February 7, 2024
Carmela Armellino
About: I currently teach second grade at Savin Rock. I've been a teacher for a total of 6 years with 5 years as a second grade teacher at Savin Rock...

December 28, 2023
Lauren Yaworski
About: I have been teaching Kindergarten at Savin Rock School for the past 10 years.
Hobbies: When I’m not teaching, I enjoy being with my ...

December 5, 2023
On Saturday, December 2nd, Savin Rock Community School hosted its Annual Holiday Festival! Check out some photos from the event below, which featured winter activities, face pai...

December 4, 2023
Leslie Jacobson
About: Art teacher; has been teaching for 37 years, all in West Haven (has taught at most of WHPS); has been teaching for 20 years at Savin Rock.

December 1, 2023
To All West Haven Families,
Access Health CT's Open Enrollment began November 1st. The open enrollment period is the time when CT residents can enroll in or renew qualified he...

November 28, 2023
Dear Families,
The Connecticut Department of Public Health has asked that we share this important information.
The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been worki...

November 6, 2023
Please CLICK HERE to view important attendance information for your family.

November 3, 2023
Caitlin Kiss
About: I have taught 4th grade for the last 7 years at Savin Rock Community School and have taught for a total of 8 years.
Hobbies: I enjoy the ar...

October 4, 2023
About : I am currently a kindergarten teacher at Savin Rock Community School. This is my 17th year teaching. The first year, I was a long-term substitute teacher. The followin...

August 21, 2023
Classes for the West Haven Public Schools 2023-2024 school year will begin on Monday, August 28, 2023. Please note: The first day of school will be a full day for all students...

August 4, 2023
New parents, welcome to West Haven! Please see the flyer below regarding an important event before the start of school
Nuevos padres, ¡bienvenidos a West Haven! Consult...

July 12, 2023
We have all the summer reading resources you need right here! Please click the links below to view summer reading books for all grades from Kindergarten thr...

July 10, 2023
Our registration process is an online process, please read the 2 steps below before you begin. If you have questions, please contact your school.

June 9, 2023
We will be offering summer lunch at the following sites beginning on July 5th, 2023, and ending on August 11th, 2023:
Carrigan Intermediate School: 11:00-11:20

June 6, 2023
Michael Brown
About: I am currently a 4th-grade teacher at Savin Rock Community School. I was a long-term substitute teacher at Savin Rock, Washington, and Mackrille School...

May 9, 2023
In honor of Educator Appreciation Week (May 8 – May 12), the West Haven Board of Education, the West Haven Federation of Teachers, and the Paraprofessionals Union joined together ...

May 3, 2023
Alyssa Taglia of WTNH recently visited West Haven High School to interview Carissa Anastasio, special education teacher, about the Life Skills program!
Anastasio is doing an in...

May 3, 2023
Kristin Mazzeo
About: I currently teach first grade at Savin Rock School.
Hobbies/Fun Facts: I was an all-state runner in high school and I’m training for my 20t...

May 1, 2023
Poems written by Jace Rodriguez, “My Happy Place” (3rd grade, Savin Rock School), Dana Guadarruma, “Northern Lights” (4th grade, Savin Rock School), and Bruna Reppetto Tobia...

April 10, 2023
Shannon Goetze
About: Third-grade teacher who has been teaching for 14 years, including 12 at Savin Rock.
Hobbies: I love spending time with my family and friend...